Obtaining 800+ benefits


Family 800+ is one of the most popular social programs in Poland, in which each child is entitled to a subsidy of PLN 800. Under certain conditions, it is also available to foreigners living in Poland with children. Family 800+ is a demographic support program in Poland.
Each family is entitled to a scholarship of PLN 800 per month for each child. Many foreigners can take advantage of the Family 800+ program under certain conditions. Our team will be happy to check whether your family can benefit from this program, because in addition to Polish citizens, foreigners can apply for the scholarship: people who have a residence permit in connection with performing work requiring high qualifications; having a residence permit with the right to work; have a PESEL number. If you intend to settle in Poland with your loved ones, our company will be happy to regulate your legal situation in such a way that you can benefit from the program. If you already have a residence permit, we will prepare all documentation based on the information you provide. We will perform all necessary activities and stay in contact with the office so that you can obtain funding.