Obtaining PESEL number (Polish Social Security)


What is PESEL?

PESEL is the national identification number used in Poland. Wherever you go, your ID/number will accompany you, whether you go to the hospital, bank, register a car, pay taxes or obtain an electronic digital signature. PESEL is a simple and convenient way to identify and verify the identity of a natural person. With it, you can sign documents electronically, which facilitates further official processes in our country. Regardless of whether you are registered or not, we are able to provide you with a PESEL number. Members of our team will only need basic information from you, which you can do directly in our office or online. Our lawyers will take care of filling out the applications, submitting them to the office, as well as collecting the necessary correspondence, so the lack of knowledge of the Polish language is not a problem. Additionally, they will appear on your behalf before government officials, and you will stay in touch if you have any questions or concerns.